
理论与方法专栏 | 制图理论与解释充分性


《理论语言学五道口站》(2023年第24期,总第288期)理论与方法专栏为大家推荐西班牙巴塞罗那自治大学西班牙语文学系副教授Ángel J. Gallego和西班牙巴斯克大学客座教授Dennis Ott编撰的论文集:Cartography and Explanatory Adequacy(《制图理论与解释充分性》)。该书将于2024年3月在Oxford Press出版。


Cartography and Explanatory Adequacy



This book contributes to the ongoing empirical, conceptual, and meta-theoretical debates regarding the merits and drawbacks of the cartographic program in linguistic theory. Although cartography has its roots in the study of the left periphery, its empirical scope has expanded significantly over the years and now covers a wide range of domains such as argument structure, modification, and constituent order. The chapters in this volume offer a critical examination of the cartographic assumption that there is a rich array of functional projections whose hierarchical order is fixed and determined by Universal Grammar. They discuss the nature of these cartographic hierarchies and their relation to the central theoretical goal of explanatory adequacy: are functional hierarchies an irreducible property of Universal Grammar (hence constituting part of the "residue" beyond the scope of principled explanation), or are they emergent, deriving from independent principles that do not require a further enrichment of Universal Grammar?




-Ángel J. Gallego-

Ángel J. Gallego,西班牙巴塞罗那自治大学西班牙语文学系副教授、理论语言学中心成员,研究领域为理论句法和语言变异,主要关注语言官能在局部性条件、语段结构和转换操作等句法现象中的体现。著有《西班牙语方言的句法变异》(The Syntactic Variation of Spanish Dialects,OUP 2019),并与Roberta D'Alessandro和Irene Franco合作编辑了《语言领域》(The Verbal Domain,OUP 2017)。

Ángel J. Gallego is Associate Professor in the Department of Spanish Philology and a member of the Centre de Lingüística Teòrica at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He works in the areas of theoretical syntax and linguistic variation, with a focus on what syntactic phenomena such as locality, phase structure, and transformations can reveal about the Language Faculty. He is the author of The Syntactic Variation of Spanish Dialects (OUP, 2019) and co-editor, with Roberta D'Alessandro and Irene Franco, of The Verbal Domain (OUP, 2017).

-Dennis Ott-

Dennis Ott,西班牙维多利亚巴斯克大学客座教授,理论语言学研究小组(Hizkuntzalaritza Teorikorako Taldea,HiTT)成员,Ikerbasque科学基金会副教授,曾任职于荷兰格罗宁根大学、德国柏林洪堡大学以及加拿大渥太华大学。他的研究主要探讨了自然语言句法背后的形式原则,以及这些原则背后的内在语法与解释和表达系统之间交互方式。他还与Vera Lee-Schoenfeld共同编辑了《谓语前置的参数理论》(Parameters of Predicate Fronting,OUP 2021)。

Dennis Ott is an Ikerbasque Research Associate and Visiting Professor affiliated with Hizkuntzalaritza Teorikorako Taldea (HiTT) at the University of the Basque Country in Vitoria-Gasteiz, having previously held positions at the University of Groningen, Humboldt University of Berlin, and the University of Ottawa. His research explores the formal principles behind the syntax of natural languages, and how the mental grammar behind these principles interfaces with systems of interpretation and articulation. He is the co-editor, with Vera Lee-Schoenfeld, of Parameters of Predicate Fronting (OUP, 2021).



人物专栏 | Silvio Cruschina副教授访谈(下)


理论与方法专栏 | 多重中心语移位的比较句法研究

Judith Kroll | Variation in Language Experience



编辑:丁子意 董泽扬

排版:丁子意 董泽扬

审校:时仲 田英慧



